If the wrap-principals option is enabled, Community Edition will "wrap" principals to track which login module and security realm each principal came from. 如果启用了wrap-principals选项,CommunityEdition将对主体进行“包装”,以跟踪各个主体来自于哪个登录模块和安全领域。
This year ( 2009), the NiLFS ( 2) file system entered the mainline kernel and can be enabled simply by installing its loadable module. 今年(2009),NiLFS(2)文件系统进入主流内核,可通过安装它的可装载模块方便地启用它。
Use login module proxy: Enabled 使用登录模块代理:Enabled
A radar echoes pre-processing module based on COMe is a interface module which is enabled with the ability of radar echoes pre-processing. With the usage of COMe module which is currently widely used reduced the develop difficulty and saved time. 基于COMe的回波预处理模块是针对某型雷达而研制的具有回波预处理功能的接口模块,通过使用目前广泛应用的COMe模块,降低了开发难度,节约了设计时间。